之前去泰國見到網上有人分享話呢一隻Donutt Total Fibely纖維產品可以幫助去洗手間,我就買咗黎試。 今次去英國真係大派用場,試完即刻同大家分享吓。如果你哋去旅行嘅時候都有去洗手間嘅困擾,咁你就要睇落去啦。
When I was in Thailand, I saw someone raved about how Donutt Total Fibely drinks can help to have a smoother toilet episode, I got my hands on a pack to try. I brought this with me to the U.K. and I can’t wait to share my experience with you. If you have toilet issues when you travel, read on.
Donutt Total Fibely 纖維飲品

我記得7–11同埋Big C都有得賣。 一盒三包,係粉狀。 只需要加入室溫水溝勻佢就可以飲用。 呢個係夜晚瞓覺前飲,第二朝起身就會去洗手間。 非常方便。
I remember Donutt brand is available in 7-11 and Big C. There are 3 packets in a box and it’s in powdery format. Mix it into room temperature water, drink it the night before and magic will happen the next day when you wake up. It’s very convenient.

個人飲後感:品道唔錯,帶少少甜,而且可以溝勻唔會一嚿嚿,唔難飲嘅一個產品。 第一次飲用大概9個鐘頭後會想去洗手間,去得非常之清,我覺得係連宿便都去到,超級順𣈱! 之後隔多兩個鐘頭去多一次,呢次就有少少肚痾嘅效果。然後全日正常冇肚痛冇肚痾。
My review is: the taste is nice, it has a hint of sweetness and it mixes quite well, so it doesn’t go lumpy and it’s not disgusting. My first toilet episode happened around 9 hours after drinking this and it was a great clear out. The experience was smooth and delightful and I felt so much lighter after. Then around 2 hours after my first episode, I went again and this time felt a little bit like diarrhea, but after that, I was fine for the whole day.
我隔咗兩日又飲多一次,呢次喺大約八個鐘頭之後想去洗手間,但係呢次係有強烈肚痛,標冷汗同埋肚痾嘅效果,我差啲半死喺個洗手間入面! 但係完成咗之後冇再去第二次,全日都冇肚痛冇肚痾。反而係全日都好口渴飲好多水。
After two days of the my first experience, I drank it again. This time, things started happening around 8 hours. I got serious tummy pain, cold sweat and what felt like a diarrhea, I was almost dying in the toilet! But I didn’t go for the second time and I was fine the whole day, apart from being extremely thirsty and had to drink a lot of water.
其實我自己好鍾意佢第一次個效果,第二次係有啲驚嚇,不過我覺得係我飲得太密。 我覺得如果去旅行時有去洗手間嘅問題,我建議入手,只不過我唔建議飲得太密。 我覺得真係好有需要先飲一包,所以我第三包都未開,下次去旅行好有需要我先會飲! 我下次去泰國都會囤幾盒,因為去歐洲嘅時候飲食方面好唔同,搞到我去洗手間都非常有困難,呢啲時間我覺得呢一個飲品就大派用場。
Indeed, I love the first time experience! Admittedly, the second time was a bit horrifying but that might be because I drank it within a short space of time. I would still recommend this to those who find it difficult to have a smooth toilet experience when traveling, I just wouldn’t recommend drinking it everyday or frequently. I will definitely stock up when I go to Thailand next time because I do find it very handy when I travel to Europe.