Favourite: Goyard Sénat Mini Pouch
Why I think Goyard Mini Pouch is better than Chanel Mini O Case
My Favourite Necklace: Missoma Snake Chain and My Missoma Necklace Picks
Been wearing this for a long time, can confirm it's one of my favs
Acne Studios Haul – Scarf and Beanie
我發覺每次去另一個地方,無論我有無去過嗰個地方都好,我之前都係會買野! 二月去英國,天氣好凍。 亦因為我想今次去影多少少Instagram (@iamhakme) outfit photos,我突然諗我無理由有帶翻上年頂beanie同埋條Chanel頸巾,大家2016年年尾係我去英國同法國既vlog日日孭住,我唔悶,大家都悶啦。 俾咗自己一論藉口之後,咁啱MillyQ出又文講佢既Acne Studios產品,好啦啦地俾燒死。 其實我之前都有望過好多人講過話Acne Studios既scarf好好,因為又大條又暖,不過我唔肯定係咪真,所以無入手。 今次睇埋MillyQ個post,佢有咁多條,唔會雷掛,所以即刻係Net-A-Porter入手。 其他網店都有,但係我覺得如果講顏色齊全同埋款式夠多,今次Net-A-Porter贏晒。 (English: Every time before I travel, I tend to haul something – no matter I have been to that particular place or not!…
View PostChristian Dior J’adior Woven Bracelets
今日同大家分享下我近期係Dior入手咗既Bracelet。 其實唔係真係抵,因為係一d都唔抵,佢唔係咩好實在既物料,不過我個人好鍾意。 我細個好興呢類手繩,如果你係同我同年代,你應該知道我講緊乜。 (English: Today I am sharing my recent purchase from Dior. They are not value for money at all (don’t get me wrong) because the materials are nothing durable, but all I can…
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