如果你看了我分享一段時間,應該都知道我是Natasha Denona眼影盤的超級粉絲,這一盤我買了一段時間但是一直未有時間跟大家試色,今天就跟大家試試這個非常溫柔的I Need a Nude Palette。
If you have been following my sharing for awhile, you got the idea that I am a super fan of Natasha Denona’s eyeshadow palettes. I got this I Need a Nude Palette for awhile but I didn’t have the time to sit down and swatch the colours for you, that’s about to change, let’s do it now.
Natasha Denona I Need a Nude Palette HK$570


I Need a Nude Palette走溫柔日常的路線,當中包含有閃粉的眼影,霧面的眼影,跟一款超級metallic的眼影 (muse)。 這個眼鏡盤,雖然全部都是走裸色風格,但看着看着,也不會覺得沉悶,隨你心情演變可以有很多不同變化。 粉質我覺得跟她家的其他眼影盤都差不多,唯一就是霧面的感覺沒有其他眼影盤那樣buttery,今次略嫌粉感比較重一點,看試色圖也見到顏色比較散開。 但我還是覺得整體配色很美,大家都知我有大量大地色系或者裸色系眼影,但我還是覺得這一盤跟我其他的不一樣。 終於跟大家試完色,我可以好好用這個眼影盤畫一畫不同的眼妝,然後在影片中跟大家分享實用度吧!
I Need a Nude Palette gives a very gentle and day-to-day vibe, it comes with shimmers, mattes and a chrome shade (muse). It totally gives the nude vibe but it’s not boring to look at, I think there are so many looks one can create from this palette depending on the mood and occasion. For the powders, I feel that the quality is about the same as other Natasha Denona palettes, except the mattes! They are less buttery when I compare them to others and they do feel a bit more powdery. As you can see from the swatches, they comes out to be a bit more “patchy”. Oh well, I still love the colour combination of this palette as I feel it’s very different from what I own. Finally, I manage to finish this post, now I will go and play with this lovely palette and see if it’s as practical as I think it’s going to be. I probably will share my findings in a YouTube video later.