上年年尾用過JUNG SEAM MOOL這個品牌的Skin Nuder氣墊粉底,感覺非常不錯,去到泰國見到有專櫃就買了一些產品回來香港試。 Artist Eye Palette我當時選購了Orange Brown,因為比較適合我膚色。 幾個星期前收到品牌進駐香港的消息,PR送了Red Brown的顏色給我,現在一同跟大家試色吧。
By end of last year, I tried JUNG SEAM MOOL Skin Nude Cover Layer Foundation and I loved it, so when I went to Thailand and saw their counter in Siam Paragon, I was excited and I bought a few things to try. For the Artist Eye Palette, I bought Orange Brown because it suited my skin tone better. Then a few weeks ago, I got an update that JUNG SEAM MOOL is coming to Hong Kong and their PR sent me the Red Brown colour, now I swatch them both for you.
JUNG SAEM MOOL Artist Eye Palette HK$300

Red Brown Swatches

起初我在泰國見到這個眼影盤的時候,我沒有特別仔細看,我真的以為它是全面使用,而不是只有眼影。 直至做這個試色圖我才發現原來它的名字叫眼影盤。 哈哈,真是一場美麗的誤會。 我覺得純粹看顏色的話,Orange Brown是有機會可以全面使用而Red Brown未必可以,因為它shade的顏色偏粉,所以應該不能夠當陰影,我會試試看再跟大家分享。
When I first saw this palette in Thailand, I thought it was for the whole face, not just eyeshadows! Well, now I take a closer look and discover that its name is eye palette LOL! Anyway, judging by the colours, I think Orange Brown has possibility to be a face and eye palette while Red Brown might not work out since the shading colour offers a hint of pink and I don’t think it can be used as a contour shade. Anyway, I will give them both a go and update you later.
Orange Brown Swatches

初步感覺粉質幼細,顯色度高。 我覺得整體感覺兩盒都比較走自然風日常的路線。 中間的兩格就給你想有變化時候使用。 整體配色非常到位,完全沒有古古怪怪的顏色。 我自己較喜歡Orange Brown,覺得如果喜歡大地色系,裸妝,健康膚色的baby都會喜歡。 而Red Brown我覺得比較少女,走甜心風或者皮膚比較白又喜歡粉紅色的baby應該會喜歡。 另外,我覺得以一個韓國化妝師的品牌來說,價錢也比較友好。 JUNG SEAM MOOL在4月27日於時代廣場Lane Crawford開設專櫃,如果有興趣的baby可以去試試。
First impression is that the powder is finely milled and offers great pigmentation. On the whole, both palettes are very day-to-day. The 2 colours in the middle of the palette give a bit of variety if you want to be a bit more playful on certain days. I really like the consistency of the colour combination! I personally prefer Orange Brown, I think if you are into earth tones, nude makeup or have tan skin, you probably would love Orange Brown. For Red Brown, I think it’s more of a girlie vibe, if you are into girlie girl makeup or your skin is fair or you love pink, then Red Brown is for you. Also, I think the price is really friendly for a Korean makeup artist brand too! BTW, JUNG SEAM MOOL is opening a counter in Lane Crawford Times Square on 27th of April, if you are interested, go and check it out!