今天要跟大家分享德國Wellmaxx另外一款性價比爆燈的好物 – Wellmaxx五重玻尿酸保濕精華。 這款實在太好用,而且適合人群非常廣泛,價錢亦非常親民,大家一定要留心。
Today I am going to talk about another effective yet affordable Wellmaxx product from Germany – Hyaluron⁵ Moist Intense Gel Concentrate. This is JUST AMAZING and it suits so many different skin types, plus the price tag is wonderful, excited? Read on.
Wellmaxx 五重玻尿酸保濕精華 HK$400/75ml
Hyaluron⁵ Moist Intense Gel Concentrate (LINK)

✅With 5-fold hyaluronic & hydro system
✅Booster for more moisture & firm skin
✅Perfume-free & highly concentrated
✅For every skin type
✅Apply daily under skincare

Before and After

Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Moist Intense Gel Concentrate comes with 5 different short- and long-chain of hyaluronic acid arriving at different layers within skin to perform its hydration job. Therefore, its hydrating result is deep and effective. Also it contains hydro system Aquaxyl™, which means, with the help of this ingredient, more “water pipes” are built within skin, which in turn, moisture can be delivered to “the needed areas” more quickly and effectively. In other words, the more “water pipes” you have, the more moisture can be absorbed effectively and the less dry you will feel.
再者它無色無味,非常適合各類膚質。我是乾敏皮,Mr Honey是油皮,我們都非常喜歡這支產品,它是流動性較高的啫喱狀,非常容易被吸收。 吸收過後皮膚表面是清爽的,所以亦非常適合香港潮濕悶熱的天氣。不論早上化妝前或者晚上都可以使用。 用了大概一個星期,明顯見到皮膚水份充足,化妝的時候也不容易卡粉,不容易起紋。 持續用皮膚亦變得飽滿,乾紋也被減淡。
Moreover, it’s perfume-free and colourless, it works great on different skin types. I have dry and sensitive skin and Mr Honey has oily skin, we both love this product very much. It’s a very light gel format, it gets absorbed into skin very easily and quickly. After absorption, skin feels light (non-sticky), it’s perfect for the hot and humid weather in Hong Kong. It can be used in the morning before makeup or at night. After using it for around a week, I can tell my skin’s moisture is at a healthy level and when I put makeup on, my makeup doesn’t get “cakey” and not many dry fine lines appearing during the day. With continuous usage, I feel skin is more plump and some of my fine lines due to dryness are gone.
大家看到啫喱狀可能會擔心擦子膠碎這個問題。這個不用擔心,因為我已經完全找到答案。 只要大家用的份量不過多(如圖中的份量已經可以) + 大家按摩到完全吸收,不要只按幾下,讓它在皮膚上成膜,就不會有擦子膠碎這個問題。 另外特別一提,市面上的保濕精華素大部份都只有30ml,價錢就要二三百元。 這支是75ml,價錢只需要HK$400! 你說是不是性價比很高? 心動不如行動,快快來黑咪店(地址按此)感受一下,又或者直接網上下單(連結按此)都可以。
When you see the word “gel”, you might worry about the residue issue (you know sometimes you apply a gel product and then you apply the next product, the gel just rubs off and leaves so many tiny bits on your face). No worry, I have got the perfect solution – you don’t need to use much (just like the amount in the photo is enough) + make sure you massage it till complete absorption and don’t leave any on skin surface to dry up, then, you won’t experience the said issue. Another thing that’s worth your attention is that most hydrating serums in the market usually comes in 30ml and the prices are usually at least HK$200. This gel comes in 75ml and it’s only HK$400, happy price right? If you are tempted, please do visit Hakme Beauty (address here) to have a try or shop directly online (link here).