My Favourite Outfit in 2017
2017年年尾勤力咗影相,講真醫生話我有玫瑰痤瘡個日我真係乜相都唔想影,一見到塊面無以前咁滑係好唔開心, 但係都係嗰句啦,無論皮膚好唔好,Life goes on! 皮膚係煩就煩d,但係唔應該俾佢影響到咩都唔做,我會仲唔開心! 可能都係因為咁我之前少咗化妝又試少咗護膚品(都要休息少少,但係唔會太耐,我頂唔住唔試啦,哈哈),咁我既精神就轉移係衫上面。 俾我唔打唔撞係Bauhaus買到呢件皮褸,我亦係2017年揾到我最最最滿意既outfit! 真係好我! (English: I was more hard working when it came to photo shooting at the end of 2017. To be quite honest, the day that the doctor said…
View PostWelcome to My Dark Side
I think you know by now that anything too girly and too sweet have never been my cup of tea. I don’t know where it came from and how it all started. I just knew…
View PostMy Power Outfit
好多人既power outfit應該係佢地套suit。 不過我除咗interview會著suit之外,基本上我好唔鍾意著suit。 我個人真係好煩,我唔鍾意suit既原因係除非你買好貴或者訂做,否則好多都好唔啱身,一係件褸唔啱,一係條褲個cutting好怪(裙就唔洗同我講)。 所以我既power outfit唔係suit,反而係我襯出黎既smart causal,唔知點解我咁著仲有confidence過叫我著suit! 哈哈。。。 (English: For many people, power outfit should be their suits. For me, apart from attending interviews, you won’t see me in suits. I am just a very…
View PostAdding Something Fun into Your Wardrobe
大家都知我通常著衫都係黑藍灰,好久唔久會有其他顏色,但係唔多。 我覺得黑藍灰係我最常亦都最易襯到既顏色,如果要投資既話,我通常都係投資落呢d顏色度,因為我知我唔會悶。 但係有時著得多某d日子都會想要pop of colour,不過呢d我通常都唔會買貴。 之前入手咗呢件Funday Jumper,一見到就好開心,同大家分享一下。 (English: Many of you know that my favourite and most worn colours are black, blue and grey. Very occasionally, I would wear other colours, yea I mean “very…
View PostMy Go To Autumn Style
我相信大家同我一樣,唔同既年紀有唔同既style,我後生個陣比較adventurous比較潮亦都比較女性化,如果叫我著sweatshirt同sneakers,我即刻覺得個造型跌哂waat。 大大下唔知幾時開始講求comfort,所以慢慢我變得鍾意sweatshirt同sneakers,而家要我著高跟鞋,我又會問:咩咁緊要,要著高跟鞋呀? 過往個幾年,我諗sweatshirt已經成為我秋季wardrobe好重要既一部份,今日分享下呢件先。 (English: I believe many of us enjoy different styles at different ages. When I was younger, I was more adventurous, trendy and feminine. If someone asked me to put on a sweatshirt…
View PostThe Gucci Vibe
大家都知我係Gucci粉絲,當然我唔覺得佢地件件野都好day to day,有好多真係要runway先著得到。 衫我好少買high fashion,不過我近期見有好多high street品牌都幾有high fashion vibe,先講下面呢套outfit先。 (English: Many of you know that I am a Gucci fan, of course I don’t think every piece of their clothing is that wearable on a day…
View PostTell Yourself: Actually I Can
I thought today I am going to write something different again just to switch things up a bit and you all seem to really like when I write something more motivational/ personal/ emotional…etc. I am…
View PostMy Favourite Fashion Transitional Piece into Autumn
我知我知我地既天氣都真係好熱,但係我已經好好準備秋冬既來臨。 我通常都會係未涼之前執定d衫睇下自己有咩無咩先再去shopping,咁就可以唔洗成日重覆迷埋一D差唔多既衫喇。 今年執野既時候又發現兩年前買既Zara牛仔褸,我覺得牛仔褸真係轉季百搭。 如果揀到一件啱身啱色已經好夠。 今年Zara既牛仔褸我都望過下,睇下有無d可以建議俾大家,但係我覺得d款色太誇張,cutting又麻麻,無啦啦又加咗d點綴上去,只係可以著到一季,下年唔興呢d點綴又著唔翻。 無咩心水所以唔想為咗建議而建議。 我比較實在d,牛仔褸啱身著得瘦最緊要,我通常唔會揀有花神既,因為我一件會著幾年。 都係個句,唔一定要咩價錢或者牌子,最緊要啱身。 (English: I know I know – we are not quite into Autumn yet (it’s still bloody hot outside), however, I am preparing for it to arrive. One…
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