The Floral Pattern For the Non Floral Person
大家都應該知道我同花花係無咩感情,無論佢興到咩地步都好,都唔係好關我事,原因係佢同我唔夾,尤其係春天既花花pattern通常都太過甜美,我都唔係嗰d年紀啦。 不過今年floral pattern都係好熱,但係我覺得今年既花同往年既花係有唔同,而我又somehow接受到今年某d花,所以我突然間諗我可以同大家分享下我會揀邊d花,如果你同我一樣既話,咁我地又可以湊下花花既熱鬧但係又唔會同平常既自己格格不入。 (English: As all of you by now that I am not a floral pattern person. It doesn’t matter how trendy it is, it never grabs my attention. The reason is very simple…
View PostUninspiring Weather
我覺得上年同今年天氣真係好特別! 無咗我熱愛既冬天,凍下又熱下,搞到我日日都唔知著咩好。 上星期有兩日涼涼地,所以我去影咗相,算係我又凍又熱既穿搭! (English: Somehow the weather has been really strange here in Hong Kong, not to mention my beloved Winter disappeared, it has been hot and cold non-stop. Honestly I don’t know what to…
View PostAutumn Smart Causal Outfit Ft. High Neck Top + Gucci Brixton Loafer
之前天然涼涼地,可以襯靚少少出街,所以我就成日著以下版本既outfit。 正因為我好鍾意呢套outfit,所以尋日趁好天叫Mr Honey出去幫我影呢套衫。 點知尋日真係好熱,熱到我同Mr Honey真係底橫都濕埋。 哈哈,但係都開心,因為影到比大家睇,其實呢套濕度無咁高,涼兩度乾爽d就著到,所以我先咁心急快d影。 我覺得件衫係best buy呀,如果鍾意可以快快入手! (English: It was a wee bit cooler before and I could wear something nicer to go out, I kept wearing the following outfit and I literally loved it.…
View PostAutumn Causal Outfit Ft. Bomber Jacket + Celine Box Bag
好喇好喇,我好開心因為我終於研究到點樣以後係YouTube做到try on haul,咁大家就唔洗等fashion post等咁耐,因為次次等到我得閒去影相,d衫都會賣哂! 以後大家起碼可以係video度見到著上身個效果先喇! 哈哈~~ 回歸正題,今日同大家分享下我既秋季causal look~~ Yay!! 入秋喇!! (English: What a piece of good news, I finally managed to find a way to shoot try on haul on YouTube going forward, which means…
View PostBali Outfit
通常想像既野同現實都係有距離! 我本身諗住去Bali靚景應該可以影到好多套衫俾大家睇,但係我真係好熱呀!! 熱到咩都無心機! 我都話我係冬天人來架啦! 好彩都有兩套影到,所以簡單同大家分享一下! 分享完就可以轉季喇~~ 呵呵~~ (English: Usually there is a gap between imagination and reality and it’s so true! I thought Bali has such a picturesque scenery, I would be very motivated to…
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