欠咗大家呢個post好耐,原因係因為敗得太多,所以知道影相要影好耐,一路未有時間。 終於都可以坐定定寫埋呢篇文章,今日主要係試色俾大家望下,用後感就遲d一路再分享(太多野要試,都係敗家之過啦)。 呢個係一個英國品牌,係英國Boots有得賣,而係泰國既Boots都有,所以如果你會去呢兩個地方又對呢個品牌有興趣,自己可以留意下喇。
(English: This post has been delayed for a bit too long, it was because I hauled way too many and I knew that it would take me a super long time to shoot the photos, honestly I didn’t get the time to do it. Well, finally I found some time and therefore I thought it would be great to finish this. Today’s focus is more on swatches, for the review, it will come after I have sufficiently tested each one of them (too many things to review…thanks to my dedication in hauling). If you don’t know already, this is a UK brand, so it’s available in Boots in the UK; and it’s also available in Boots in Thailand, so if you are going to these two places and you are interested in this brand, you can definitely check them out yourself.)
Soap & Glory Solar Powder
Price: 600Baht
(English: The powder feels really smooth but I haven’t got a chance to use it just yet because I have been really tanned lately so I don’t really need to tan myself anymore~~)
Soap & Glory One Heck of a Blot
Price: 600Baht
透明控油粉~ 我覺得同theBalm既Sexy Mama係同一類產品,不過唔知邊個好用d喇。
(English: Translucent mattifying powder~~ It’s similar item as theBalm Sexy Mama but I am not sure which one is better.)
Soap & Glory Wonderbronze
Price: 600Baht
閃底bronzer,我覺得佢粉質都好好,不過又係因為我唔洗整黑自己,所以未用。 不過我會試下用佢黎做eyeshadow,我覺得d顏色都好啱做眼影呀~~
(English: Shimmery based bronzer, I feel that the powder is of nice quality. Well due to the fact that I am quite tanned already, so I haven’t used it yet. But I will try them as eyeshadows because I feel that they would go really well on eye areas~~)
Soap & Glory Love at First Blush
Price: 600Baht
同Wonderbronze一樣既設計,但係呢粒係胭脂! 有閃底呀! 如果大家唔like閃就唔啱喇~~
(English: The design is same as Wonderbronze, but this is a blusher! It has a shimmery base, if you don’t like shimmery, this is not for you~~)
Soap & Glory Kick Ass Instant Retouch Pressed Powder
Price: 600Baht
(English: This is a powder for retouching~~)
Soap & Glory Glow All Out
Price: 600Baht
帶粉紅tone既highlight,令我諗起theBalm既Cindy-Lou, 等我兩個一齊玩下睇下有咩分別先。
(English: A highlight with a pink tone. It reminds me of theBalm Cindy-Lou, well let me compare the two and see what difference there is.)
Soap & Glory Peach Party
Price: 600Baht
同Wonderbronze,Love at First Blush一個系列,但係呢個係唔同顏色既胭脂,閃底帶橙!
(English: It’s from the same series as Wonderbronze and Love at First Blush, but this is a blush of a different color – peachy color with a shimmery base!)
Soap & Glory Kick Ass Concealer (Light & Medium)
Price: 550Baht
初步感覺好creamy,個design都有d似Laura Mercier! 唔知遮得靚唔靚喇。
(English: My first initial feeling is that it’s very creamy. The design is similar to Laura Mercier! But I am not sure if it covers really well.)
Soap & Glory Trick & Treatment Under Eye Dark Circle Concealer
Price: 395Baht
(English: It feels really light, so I am wondering if this one is better or the kick ass one is better~~)
Soap & Glory Smoulder Kohl
Price: 395Baht
呢隻應該係俾人用黎smudge smokey eyes既筆,所以應該唔會long-lasting。 玩咗再同大家分享下。
(English: This pen should be for people to create smokey eyes, so I don’t expect it to be long lasting. Let me play with it and share more.)
Soap & Glory Supercat
Price: 420Baht
好似好黑喎~~ 唔知唔會化開呢,初步感覺係幾好畫既。
(English: I love how black it is~~ But not sure if it would smudge! My initial thought is that it draws really nicely!)
Soap & Glory Thick & Fast Mascara HD Collagen
Price: 520Baht
Soap & Glory Thick & Fast Mascara Volume
Price: 490Baht
Soap & Glory Arch de Triumph
Price: 400Baht
(English: One side is highlight, the other side is brow pencil. I remember there is something similar from Benefit as well.)
Soap & Glory Archery Brow Tint & Precision Shaping Pencil
Price: 490Baht
呢枝好得意丫!! 一邊係水筆,一邊係pencil!! 好多人讚呢枝~~
(English: This one is fun. One side is liquid and the other side is pencil. Many people raves about this one~~)
Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Blusher
Price: 450Baht
(English: My initial thought on this is that it’s pigmented and easy to use!!)
Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Gloss Stick (Nudist)
Price: 400Baht
我覺得係令既tinted lip balm~~ 如果要出色既就唔啱喇。
(English: I feel that this is a very glossy tinted lip balm~~ If you want something pigmented, this is not it.)
Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Lip Lacquer (Whatchama-Coral)
Price: 350Baht
出色呀! 令我諗起Rimmel隻Apocalips!! 哈哈~~
(English: Thumbs-up on the pigmentation on this one! It reminds me of Rimmel’s Apocalips!)
好喇。 我會乖乖地試佢地之後再同大家以唔同形式去報告!
(English: Right. I will give each one some serious testing and will report back on my findings!!)
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