身體好乾: L’Occitane杏仁沐浴油 好唔好用

話說之前皮膚敏感,有好一段時間我都係用啲好悶嘅嘢沖涼。 但係我見呢期皮膚好咗好多而且天氣又咁乾,所以我就試吓L’Occitane好出名嘅杏仁沐浴油。 其實我之前都應該有用過,不過時間太耐,都唔記得晒有咩感覺,橫掂我睇返我冇係blog度分享過呢枝沐浴油,今日寫埋個分享俾大家睇。

Since my skin was sensitive before, I kept using the boring stuff for shower, however, my skin improved over the months and it’s been cold and dry these days, so I gave L’Occitane Almond Shower Oil a go.  I suspect that I used this before but it’s been a long while and I couldn’t remember my thoughts.  Hmmm, I checked the blog and I hadn’t written anything about it, so let’s do it now.  

L’Occitane杏仁沐浴油 LINK
Almond Shower Oil HK$220/250ml




Enriched with almond oil, this gentle cleanser leaves behind a delicate almond scent.


我諗如果你follow咗我一段時間,你都聽我之前講過我係好唔鍾意杏仁嘅氣味,我覺得我之前係因為杏仁呢兩隻字而逃避呢枝產品。 前幾個星期去L’Occitane買嘢同BA講開個身好乾,佢就問我試唔試呢枝杏仁沐浴油。我就話杏仁味我麻麻哋,點知佢一打開俾我聞嘅時候,我發現呢隻唔係傳統嘅杏仁氣味,我覺得佢係加咗其他嘢,所以反而係一個好舒服嘅香味。 如果你之前都同我一樣唔鍾意杏仁氣味而唔去試呢枝嘢,你可以去聞吓,因為你都可能同我一樣會改觀。

If you have been following me for awhile, you probably know that I am not a fan of almond scent.  When I see the word almond on something, I would avoid them like a plague.  Few weeks ago, I went to L’Occitane to purchase something and I told the BA that my body was a bit dry, she suggested this Almond Shower Oil to me and I was like, “I really don’t like anything almond scented.”  But when she opened the bottle to let me have a sniff.  Holy hell, this doesn’t smell like the traditional almond scent.  I think they must have blended in something else.  This smells wonderfully soothing.  If you avoid this item because of the word almond, I suggest you go to their counter to give it a sniff, I think you will change your mind too.


唧出嚟個質感流動性都好唔錯,唔係好肥淋淋嘅油。 BA話加多啲水會起到泡泡,我自己就咁加水起唔到泡 (我相信係我個人問題),但係當我用佢係沖涼波波上面就會起到少少泡。 我就咁用嘅時候,佢遇到水會喺我身上面乳化,有少少好似用緊稀身洗面奶沖涼咁,但係無損我對佢嘅熱愛。 因為沖完出嚟皮膚好柔滑,又唔會乾 (當然如果天氣或者身體好乾都要搽返body lotion),亦唔會有一層油包咗喺皮膚上面好唔舒服。 沖完出嚟個身啲皮膚係柔軟,清爽同摸落線手。 我濕疹嘅位置都唔會痕或者乾到跳舞。 同埋呢個氣味真係好清新宜人,沖緊涼嘅時候都覺得好減壓! 我超鍾意,所以唔試真係唔知!呢枝我超級推介比身體皮膚比較乾嘅baby,我覺得你用完之後都會鍾意,呢個產品有兩個唔同嘅size,我用完之後都應該會回購大枝裝可以慢慢沖! 

The texture is quite runny and it’s not your regular greasy oil.  BA reminded me to add more water to create foam.  But for some reason, no matter how much water I add, it just doesn’t want to foam up on me (I am sure it’s my problem).  When I add this into my shower ball and add water, it does become foamy.  When I don’t use a shower ball, it literally feels like I am using some very runny cleansing milk to cleanse my body, but you know what, it doesn’t bother me because skin becomes so soft afterwards.  Skin is moisturised but it doesn’t leave a residue film of oil on the surface, which sometimes can be very annoying.  If you have dry skin or the weather is dry, I still recommend you using a body lotion afterwards.  I love how soft and smooth my skin becomes after the shower and it doesn’t irritate nor dry out my eczema areas as well.  Plus, the scent is soooooo soothing!  I feel like the scent actually helps me to destress during shower!  I LOVE IT!!  I highly recommend this Almond Shower Oil to anyone who has dry skin, I think you will love it as much as I do.  This product comes in 2 sizes and I probably will repurchase the big bottle after using this one up!  Yea, that’s how much I enjoy it! 

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