泰國必買泰品牌: 4U2 Eyeshadow

如果有睇我尋日條泰國敗家YouTube片,大家都知我今次喺泰國都買咗唔少美容美妝護髮野。 我對本地品牌比較有興趣,因為唔係成日見會有新鮮感。 今次去咗佢哋本地嘅美容美妝店EVEANDBOY,真係無敵大同無敵好行,亦都俾我見到泰國開架品牌4U2,仲做緊promotion,我入手咗兩盒眼影,究竟佢係咪泰國必買呢?今日同大家試下色先。

If you watched my Thailand haul video on YouTube yesterday, you would have known that I hauled quite a few beauty and hair care products from Thailand this time. I am more interested in local brands because it’s an air of freshness as I don’t see them everywhere. This time, I went to their local beauty store called EVEANDBOY, it’s gigantic and I had much fun browsing. I saw this local Thai brand called 4U2 and they had a promotion on, so I got 2 eyeshadow quads to try. Are these a must-buy in Thailand? Let me swatch them for you now.

4U2 Eyeshadow Quad


價錢就真係唔記得咗,不過我記得4U2係開架價錢啦,所以唔貴,但係有勁多選擇。 我見佢有好多唇膏都好靚㗎! 唔洗帶口罩嗰陣再買過! 講翻呢兩盒眼影先,06 babes in the woods比較深而08 life of the ocean比較淺,兩盒分別都有兩隻閃色同兩隻唔閃色。 我覺得色tone上做得好,唔會無啦啦有隻好怪唔知用喺邊嘅顏色。

我自己就會兩盒mix嚟用,咁就深淺色都齊晒喇。 質感好好喎,閃同唔閃色摸落都好滑又好上色,上圖全部都係一至兩下出到嘅顏色,正! 粉質好幼細好易blend! 我覺得質量比得上幾百蚊一盒嘅眼影! 我記得佢都有好多唔同嘅顏色配搭揀!! 推呀!!去泰國可以必買呀!! 又抵又實用!! 係外國搵到好野同大家分享,個人都開心啲!! 哈哈~~ 我決定下次去會試埋佢其他產品!!

I can’t remember the exact price but 4U2 is a drugstore brand, so it’s not expensive. Their product selection is very good and many of their lipsticks are so attractive, but I will haul them when we can finally ditch the face masks. Let’s get back to these two eyeshadow quads. 06 babes in the woods offers deeper shades while 08 life of the ocean is on the lighter side. Both come with 2 shimmers and 2 mattes. I think the colour tone is well done, the colour combination is coherent.

I usually mix them both to create my eye look because then I would have both lighter and deeper shades to play with. The quality is super nice! They are smooth to touch and pigmented (both shimmers and mattes). The swatches you see above are the result of 1-2 strokes, nice right? The powder is finely milled and easy to blend! I think quality-wise, it’s comparable to some of the high-end brands! I remember they have quite a colour selection for these quads and I highly recommend them! It’s affordable and it’s practical! I am always happy to introduce new brands and new products to you!! *LOL* When I am in Thailand next time, I will be sure to haul 4U2 other products and give them a go!!

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