未來幾日我會出韓國必買video既第一集,所以呢幾日你地會見到某d產品既試色圖! 用後感我就留翻係video度再詳談,但係大家可以先睇睇顏色,亦都係一個預告(佢地會出現係韓國必買video裡面喇)! 今日先講下Vidi Vici呢兩枝眼影筆~~
(English: In a few days’ time, I will be releasing the Korea Must Buy Series Episode No. 1, so that means these days, you will be seeing swatches here on some of the products. For the review part, I will go through them with you in the video, right now, you can check out the colors!! It’s kind of like a prelude as you can expect these few bits to pop up. Well today, let’s check these eyehshadow sticks out from Vidi Vici~~)
Vidi Vici Draw & Fix Eyeshadow
On the left: 10 Naked
On the right: 02 Charcoal Brown
整個系列有4枝,我買既呢兩枝無閃粉。 另外既就有閃粉! 大家都知我之前買咗Laura Mercier既Caviar Stick,對佢地亦都有好高評價。 至於呢兩枝好唔好得過LM,有興趣想知就要留意遲幾日既video喇!
(English: There are 4 colors to select in this collection, the two that I got consist of no shimmer!! Many of you know that I did buy Laura Mercier Caviar Stick before and I absolutely love them, so I guess the next question is that “how do these compare to the LM’s?” Well, if you are interested to find out, stay tuned for the video in the next few days!)