
上年係韓國入手既一堆產品當中,有一d我都未用同分享! 我覺得美妝國真係日日新鮮,好易搞搞下新品又打亂咗我分享之前買咗既東東既陣腳。 講真,我係韓國返黎本身係好勤力試佢地既野諗主拿拿聲同大家分享,點知用得太多韓國skincare,皮膚受不了轉差,所以令我熱情冷卻咗一期。 不如咁啦,我繼續由佢地既化妝品開始分享,如果某d skincare受得到再試再分享啦。

(English:  Amongst the haul that I had done in Korea, some are not used and shared.  The challenge is that within the beauty community, there are new products almost every single day and while I fuss around the new products, the “old” items are kinda forgotten (you know what I meant).  To be really honest, I did test the Korean products diligently when I just got back from Korea, however, my skin couldn’t stand too many of their products and its condition started to turn downhill, so I went cold turkey!  Well, I thought maybe it would be good for me to start with their makeup items again, and if my skin is not acting up towards their skincare, then I will share those as well.)

espoir Eyeshadow

Left to Right: Creamful, Cream Latte and Orange Blossom


我唔知以家大家對呢個韓國品牌係咪仲好熱中呢。 因為我去個陣簡直係買咩無咩,要行好多間先有唔同既野買下,因為大部份都係無貨無貨再無貨,真係好誇張。 我唔係好記得呢粒幾多錢,所以講唔到比大家知!

(English:  I am not sure if you all still love this Korean brand, because when I was there, it was like whatever you wanted to buy would be out of stock!  I had been to quite a few different espoir stores in different locations to “collect” the items.  It was kinda ridiculous.  I can’t remember how much this single eyeshadow was so I couldn’t make a reference here!)

Creamful係cotton系列屬於matte啡色,而Cream Latte係satin系列屬於閃啡色,Orange Blossom都係satin系列,係帶閃既橙色。我覺得佢地粉質好幼細,上色,但係唔算超級上色,要build少少先有實色度,但係我覺得係OK。 佢地亦都好易blend,同易用。 我覺得就算閃底個兩款都係滑身唔會摸落一粒粒鞋身! So far我覺得好用,我亦記得佢有好多唔同顏色揀,所以唔一定要買我呢幾粒色。 如果你去韓國既話我覺得係買得過架!!

(English:  Creamful belongs to cotton series so it’s a matte brown colour; Cream Latte belongs to satin series, so it’s a shimmery brown, whereas Orange Blossom belongs to satin series as well and it’s a shimmery orange.  The powder is finely milled, pigmented but not super pigmented, you need to build it to the intensity that you desire.  I personally think this pigmentation is fine, they are easy to blend and use as well.  For the two shimmery colours, the powder is still smooth to touch without the rough feeling!  So far I quite like them and I remember there are many colours to choose from, so you don’t have to pick these if you think they are on the ordinary side of the world.  If you go to Korea, I would recommend you check these out!!)

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