Urban Decay Naked Illuminated Trio

之前去Urban Decay買野既時候,BA同我講話呢盒都係新品同埋係限量問我有無興趣! 我見都有貨,咁又買埋同大家分享一下!

(English:  When I went to Urban Decay, BA said to me that the following was a new product and it was limited edition, she asked me if I was interested.  I thought why not, I got it and thought I could do a review on it!)

Urban Decay Naked Illuminated Trio HK$270









我覺得呢個未必實用度好高! 左一係bronzer,香港人都好少用。 中間同右二係highlght,唔同既tone,都幾閃下。 我本身都少用bronzer,我左一都淨係用係眼做眼影,而中間同右二就做下highlight,都幾有pop既效果。 我覺得除非你好迷戀用highlight,否則唔算好實用,因為三隻色都好閃同埋第一個色除咗當係眼影又真係好少時候用得到! 我覺得一般啦,唔係貴,但係我覺得顏色配搭唔算實用。我唔係好建議,如果你好鍾意highlight既話你屋企都應該已經買咗好多,咁呢個又唔算係非常特別丫!

(English:  I don’t think this palette is highly practical!  The left one is a bronzer and not many Hong Kong people would use bronzer anyway!  The middle one and the right one are highlight with different tones, they are both quite shimmery.  I seldom use bronzer, so I only use the left one colour as eye shadow, the middle one and the right one as highlight which do offer a pop of colour effect.  If you are not obsessed with highlight, then this one is not for you because all three colours are very shimmery.  The left one is quite difficult to utilise apart from using it as an eyeshadow.  I think this is an average palette, it’s not expensive but I just think the colour combination is not highly practical.  I don’t recommend this.  If you love highlighting products, you probably would have quite a few different ones at home anyway and I don’t think this is a very special product!!)

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