[保養] 轉季皮膚保養小分享

轉季除咗開心可以買靚衫之外,仲開心就係天氣無咁濕熱! 不過轉季通常皮膚都會有唔同既問題出現,除咗可以用我之前介紹既Eternus-D Delicate Repair之外,我仲想分享一下平日保養既一d小tips,希望幫到大家靚住咁轉季!

(English:  Changing weather, apart from shopping Autumn/ Winter clothes very happily, another delightful moment is that finally it’s not that hot and humid (unbearable)!  However, during the change of the weather, we usually encounter skin issues as well (not too happy about this).  Besides using Eternus-D Delicate Repair to kill those problems, I want to share my mini tips on other aspects, and hopefully we can have a great transition to Autumn with fabulous skin!!)

今日我唔會着重講產品review,反而係分享一下有咩可以留意! 以下既產品有d已經係review左,所以我會link埋睥大家,有d未review既就遲d再分享。 有d產品小店有賣,所以我會打兩粒**係產品名後面,而sponsored既產品就會打一粒*係產品名後面,咁大家就清清楚楚喇。

(English:  Today it’s not so much about the product review, it’s more on the what you need to pay attention!  I have reviewed some of the items before, so I will link them for you while for those which aren’t reviewed yet, I will talk about them another day.  Some of the products are available from Hakme Store, and I will put two ** next to the product names; and some of them are sponsored items, I will put one * next to the product names so that you all can have a clear reference!)

1. 洗面膏唔一定要早晚都用


From left to right: THREE Balancing Foam, Wellmaxx Gentle Deep Clean Face Wash**

要睇情況!! 如果你開始轉季敏感或者覺得好乾,咁你朝早可以轉用清水洗面。 我覺得夜晚一定要用洗面膏,因為出咗去一日真係好dirty,所以每晚都要洗清面上既dirty野,咁你之後搽既skincare先會吸收。 但係朝早就睇你皮膚喇,如果你起身超油超笠,咁我都建議你用洗面膏好好清潔一下。 但係如果你已經開始敏感或者乾,咁就可以轉用清水(其實只係要洗走你尋晚搽咗而又留係表面既skincare,所以清水OK啦~~)過兩過就OK! 咁可以減少對皮膚既刺激!  同埋大家請記住,洗面用凍水!! 係市面有好多對洗面水溫既講法,但係我可以話俾大家知凍水係最安全,唔會刺激你敏感既皮膚,唔會令你更加乾,亦都唔會去咗過多既油份!! 我做咗三十幾年人,咁多年都係用凍水洗面,就算係冬天,我都係用凍水呀!! 我一用唔同溫度既水,皮膚就會勁多問題!!

(English:  It really depends!!  If you start to have allergies or feel very dry on skin, then you can switch to pure water to clean your face in the morning.  Night time, facial cleanser is a must because you have been out all day and the pollution is really serious here, so I insist you use a good facial wash to clean your face every night, then it helps your other skincare products to absorb better.  For morning time, if you wake up having really oily skin, yes I would still recommend you use a facial wash.  However, if you start to have allergies or feel dry on skin, then just rinse your face with water in the morning (because basically you just want the skincare leftover on your face gone).  This can reduce irritation to your skin!  Plus, please use cold water to wash your face!!  I know there are quite a few different sayings on the perfect water temperature to wash your face, but I can say that cold water is the safest because it doesn’t irritate your skin, it won’t create more allergies to you, it won’t dry your skin out and it won’t stripe off too much oil on your face!  I am on this earth for more than 30 years, and I have been using cold water to wash my face since god knows when!!  Yes even for Winter, I still use cold water!!  When I start using warmer water, my skin usually experience some problems!!)

2. 唔洗特別買按摩膏,可以用比較厚身既toner/肌底液/gel代替

From top to bottom: Beyond Aqua Bloom水漾保濕爽膚水*, Wellmaxx Anti-age Moist Intense Gel Concentrate**

講真,有幾多個人買咗按摩膏真係咁有心機去夠時夠候去按摩? 同埋通常按摩膏既質地都係比較肥膩d,大家都未必會鍾意個種感覺。 如果係咁不如唔好浪費金錢啦,反而可以用自己有既野去做短短地既按摩等皮膚血液運行好d氣息都好d,同埋最好係做完又唔洗過水,直接可以上其他skincare! 如果你有一d比較杰身既保濕toner/肌底液/gel,你可以double平日用既份量,慢慢係面上按摩,按到吸收咗如果想再按多陣可以repeat step,但係如果覺得OK,咁之後搽翻精華同cream就OK! 可以加強保濕,令血氣好d,仲唔洗特別買過枝野,更加可以快用完現有既產品同埋買新產品,係咪好好呢個方法? 有時我唔得閑/無心機敷mask我就會用呢個方法,簡單方便快捷又有效果! 大家都可以試下~~

(English:  Let’s be honest, how many of you really use your massage cream regularly?  Also the massage cream is usually very greasy, not everyone can endure that!  If this is the case, how about not wasting your money but just use what you have got for a short and effective massage on face to stimulate blood circulation?  The best part is that it doesn’t take long, you don’t need to rinse it after and you can still use your regular skincare!!  If you have some toners which are of a thicker texture or pre-essence stuff, you can use a double amount and massage it on your face till it’s totally absorbed, if you want to massage some more, repeat step; if you are done, just follow with your serum and cream!  This can enhance the hydration and stimulate blood circulation!!  You don’t need to buy a new product to do this and you can probably use up your existing product faster (if you want to buy new things).  Nice eh?  Sometimes when I don’t have time or ain’t in the mood to stick a mask on my face, I would revert to this method, it’s simple, quick and effective.  You can try this too~~)

3. 一個星期用2-3次保濕mask,但我唔建議日日用

From Left to Right: Juju Aquamoist透明質酸保濕面膜 (Blue), Juju Aquamoist透明質酸彈力保濕面膜 (Pink)

From left to right: Tonymoly 純淨蘆薈保濕面膜*, Tonymoly 百分百蝸牛清透面膜*

 我成日聽見好多人話日日敷mask,我自己以前都試過一期,但係我唔係太建議,因為皮膚有自癒能力,所以日日敷mask反而會令皮膚失去自癒能力(佢未叫肚餓你就係咁俾野佢食),久而久之皮膚都會變到習慣咗你既補品,之後唔會再有太大效果。 所以日日進補未必好,反而我覺得當你覺得皮膚需要進補既時候先進補,你會見到更加好既效果。 所以講真,保濕mask一個星期敷兩三次已經好夠喇(你仲有日常護理麻)!!

(English:  I have been hearing many people say they are using hydrating masks everyday, well I tried that before, but I wouldn’t highly recommend it.  Skin can heal itself and using hydrating mask everyday is asking skin to loose its healing abilities (you are feeding it when it’s not even hungry).  On the longer run, skin gets used to being spoiled by you and it won’t react to the skincare items, so spoiling it everyday is not good. On the contrary, feed your skin when it needs the extra bits, you will see a more obvious result.  So frankly, I would recommend only doing hydrating mask 2-3times a week!!)

4. 揀一隻唔好搽咗等於無搽既面霜

From left to right: Wellmaxx Day & Night Fluid Concentrate**, Wellmaxx Day & Night Absolute Cream Rich**

From left to right: Oh Bases Rose Otto Cream**, Beyond Aqua Bloom Moisture Cream*

我知大家都好怕笠,同埋大家有唔同膚質,鍾意既質感都唔同。 但係我想提一提大家千萬唔好淨係因為怕笠而揀一d似搽咗一陣風既產品,因為呢d產品唔可以last成晚,你第二日起身係會乾既!! 揀cream揀lotion,佢係幫你lock住你前個step搽既精華各樣各樣,所以你揀個cream一定要係留翻一層野係你皮膚表面(但係個層野唔笠,係滑身),咁先可以幫你lock住d野成晚呀!!

(English:  I know you all don’t like heavy stuff on your face and you all have different skin type, so you probably like different texture!  I just want to remind everyone here please don’t choose something too light just because you are afraid of heavy stuff.  Product with too light of a texture cannot last overnight and you will wake up feeling dry the next day!  When you pick a cream or a lotion, its intention is to help lock the serum and moisture inside, so please pick something that leaves a light film on the surface of your skin (the film shouldn’t be sticky), only then it can help lock the good stuff inside overnight!!)


(English:  Right now, www.fullmask.com.hk has organized a lucky draw, 3 winners will get a European perfume set, if you are interested, please click the below link to join~~)


黑咪Hakme Beauty店
地址 (Address): 銅鑼灣希慎道8號裕景商業中心3樓365-367號 (No. 365-367, 3/F, Eton Tower, No. 8 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)
電話 (Tel): 2877 4700
營業時間 (Open Hours): 星期一至日中午12點到晚上8點 (Mon – Sun 12noon – 8pm)
付款方法 (Payment Options): EPS & Cash (唔收$1000紙 – No HKD1000 note)

或郵寄∕太古MTR∕沙田第一城站交收。 Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com
(Or by post, face trade at Taikoo MTR/ Shatin Cityone Stop.  Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com)


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