[化妝] 台灣Dramma.Q眼線筆

N個月前係下面個video講過Dramma Q眼線筆,當時都仲係要刨,呢期佢地出左扭扭既我覺得方便好多,又同大家報告一下啦。

(English:  I have talked about Dramma Q eyeliner in the following video a good few months ago.  These days they have a new version which is a roll up version, so it’s time to report again.)

Dramma.Q Roll Up Geltastic Waterproof Eyeliner HK$78
Dramma.Q Super Fine Waterproof Luxury Liquid Eyeliner HK$85

巴黎草莓同Wishh Beauty有售


用後感:先講咗扭扭眼線筆先。 我覺得佢都算好畫同埋佢個顏色都係大路既色,黑色啡色我呢兩款都無閃,所以好實用。 金色既用黎做下眼線就好Holiday Season啦! 佢乾得都快同埋係我對眼都係持久,waterproof度唔錯。 價錢親民都係一個唔錯既選擇。 另外到liquid eyeliner,我覺得個頭好好畫,畫出黎好深好黑,正。 同埋佢防水呀,我用無溶。  仲有就係我發現佢耐油度都高,我用卸妝油抹都唔甩唔哂,我覺得油眼朋友搵緊liquid eyeliner既話可以試下呢枝得唔得~

(English:  Product Review: Let’s go through the roll up ones first.  I think it’s easy to draw and the colors are very day-to-day, like the black and brown ones that I got, they can be for everyday purposes because they don’t have glitter.  For the gold ones, I like to use it as lower eyeliner to create that holiday season look.  It drys quite quickly and they last really well on my eyes, so I can confirm that the waterproof function is nice.  I think taking into its price for consideration, it’s quite a nice budget choice.  Then for the liquid eyeliner, I love how easy it is to draw and the color is jet black – thumbs up on that!  Also it lasts on me so I know that waterproof function is nice.  Plus I discover that it is quite oil-proof because when I use a cleansing oil to rub it, it doesn’t come off too easily, so if you have oily lids and you want to look for a liquid eyeliner, you might want to give this one a go and see if it works on you~~)

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