[保養] HydroPeptide防曬SPF30
好既防曬真係好難揾,又要系數OK同埋唔笠,搽完唔會顯白,仲要唔乾身! 有時我都覺得係咪我要求太過高。。。哈哈~~ 搵咗幾個月,俾我揾到,所以今日想分享一下~ (English: It’s hard to locate a good sunscreen because it needs to have a decent SPF, not heavy, doesn’t turn white on skin and no drying! Sometimes I do question if I…
View Post[Vlog] 黑咪小店產品既寄賣地方
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View Post[Blog Sale] 粉底篇
係video都講過話我會賣咗d foundation佢啦,唔係佢地唔好用,只不過真係太多,我又唔係做Makeup Artist,一個人用唔哂,唔想浪費,所以想以平d既價錢讓出黎! 我之前係Facebook話過,未來做既blog sale會有自己買既產品同埋sponsor既產品(會係產品名後面打”*”),自己買既產品既收益我會用黎買下新產品,而sponsor產品既收益我就會捐去無國界醫生! (English: I have mentioned in my previous video that I would keep a few foundations and then sell the rest. It’s not because they are not good, but I just…
View Post[保養] 不油不膩的蜂皇漿精華
之前係video都介紹過呢個產品,但係因為我成日都怕個video好長,所以我要就住d時間黎講,未必可以好詳細分析件產品俾大家聽! 所以我通常都補個篇文章,等大家可以再睇下相同埋再了解下件產品。 (English: I have talked about this product in one of my previous videos. Since I am usually very concerned on the length of the video, so I feel like I cannot talk as…
View Post[保養+化妝] August 2013 Glamabox
早前收到PR送黎既8月份Glamabox。 其實如果你有follow開我,我好早期既時候都訂過Luxbox,但係間公司之後撤出香港,我就無再訂過其他盒子喇~ 今次第一次收到Glamabox既盒子, 等我可以感受下佢入面既產品係點樣,之後我會諗下會唔會長期訂購。 其實我真係幾鍾意個個月有surprise呢個concept,同埋我今次見有d品牌我都未見過,我覺得如果我訂既話,咁我又可以同大家講多d新既品牌! 係我未決定訂唔訂之前,先望下8月既盒子有咩係入面先: (English: PR sent me the August Glamabox a week or so ago. If you have been following me for a good few yeas, you would remember that I had…
View Post[敗家] 化妝師推薦既寶貝
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View Post[保養] 眼部防曬+調色+去黑眼圈產品
好興奮呀!! 好興奮呀!! 我想買眼部防曬產品好耐,但係一係就唔多品牌有,一係就試過上手覺得好油! 有日去我Makeup Artist(MUA)個朋友度見佢有一set眼部產品,見平平地買黎玩下! 點知一試愛上呀!! 好掂!! 掂到本身我諗住拍咗片先寫review,但係實在忍唔住,我要同大家分享咗先!! (English: Super excited!!! I have been wanting to get a sunscreen specifically for the eye area for a really long time and usually I encounter the following…
View Post[護膚] Apple Box #4 – Svelty, Etude House and More
之前收到第四個Gooodapple送出既Apple Box!而家開箱同大家分享一下入面有咩東東先。 d野我都未開黎用,所以用完先可以同大家分享下d野好唔好用喇。 (English: I received the 4th Apple Box from Gooodapple earlier! I want to show you what’s inside the box first. I haven’t started using any of the items, so the reviews have…
View Post[敗家] 網上敗家之Letsbuy.hk開箱文
敗家敗上腦!! 朋友啱啱新網頁開張叫我多多支持一下! 咁唔係個個朋友既生意都可以支持,都要睇下佢地賣咩先得! 呢個朋友既網站就開正我個飯,所以玩完一陣個website就買朋友既生日禮物同埋買少少野俾自己喇。 開箱喇,睇下我敗左咩丫: (English: I have been hauling quite a few things lately!! My friend just set up this new website and asked me to browse around!! This website sells exactly what I…
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