[保養] 呢期新發現既導入組合

好耐無講過導出導入,我對上一次既blog post已經係一年前。 呢期係泰國返黎覺得好乾,所以又再研究下用咩導入好d,之前講既導入產品都好,但係用到有d悶,所以想變化一下。 無啦啦試試下又覺得下面呢個組合好正,大家乾起上黎都可以試下~~

(English:  It’s been a long while since I talked about the skincare combination for ion beauty machine.  My last blog post on that topic was like a year ago!  After coming back from Thailand, my skin had been exceptionally dry, so I was curious to know if there was any other interesting combination for ion beauty machine.  Well I talked about some before and there were still fab, however, I got a bit bored using the same thing, so it was my time to explore.  With a few experiment and trial and error, I found the following that I was happy enough to dedicate this post to.  If your skin is dry and you are looking at some quick fix method, you might want to give these babes a go too~~)

產品/ Items:

Hitachi HadaCrie N8100 (available at Broadway)
Wellmaxx Calcium Concentrates HK$399/ 7 ampoules (available at Hakme Beauty)
Wellmaxx Moist Intense Gel HK$499/ 50ml (available at Hakme Beauty)

我用N8100已經好一段時間,我又未想換機,所以一直用住佢。 如果你地本身有自己用開既導出導入機,用翻自己用開既OK,唔洗特別買過。

(English:  I have been using N8100 for a good while, I haven’t got the urge to swap machine yet, so I have been using it.  If you have other beauty machine with the ion function and you find it effective, just use that, no need to swap to this one.)


點解會用呢個組合呢? 因為Moist Intense Gel係肌底Gel,佢保濕之餘仲可以暫時打開毛孔令其他產品更加吸收。 加上佢係gel狀,碌機個陣唔會咁快乾(如果你配佢用其他精華,相對黎講用少咗精華)。 另外Calcium係超保濕,本身可以當係療程咁用(文末link埋之前review俾大家),亦都可以急救。 如果單用佢碌機我覺得碌得好短時間(因為佢都幾快吸收), 如果要用兩枝我又覺得成本好貴,所以用個Gel打底最好,因為可以再加強保濕,幫個Calcium更加吸收,同埋可以增長碌既時間唔洗用咁多精華。

(English:  Why do I use this combination?  It’s because Moist Intense Gel is a pre-essence gel, apart from hydrating the skin, it also helps with other serums to work more effectively into the skin.  Plus it’s a gel format, so it doesn’t dry out quickly when you use the machine (that means if you use this under any serums before using the machine, you will use less serum).  On the other hand, Calcium is super hydrating, it can be used as a treatment (I will link my previous post at the end, so you can investigate further), or it can be used as a quick fix.  If I use this on its own with the beauty machine, since it gets absorbed fairly quickly into the skin, it means that the time of using the beauty machine is quite short, and if I have to use 2 Calcium, it’s too pricey for my liking.  So that’s why I use the Gel underneath, because it can adds to the hydration, helps Calcium to be absorbed better by skin, and also lengthens the time of using the beauty machine.)

用法: 洗完面,用gel打底,之後開一枝Calcium搽上面, 然後開機導入功能(Hitachi我用Moisturize功能),碌碌碌。 我建議先做半邊面,做好半邊面先做另一邊。 如果唔係你搽哂成面,好有機會你做完半面既時候另外個半面d野已經吸哂或者碌機碌唔到耐。

(English:  Usage:  After cleansing your face, use the gel first, then use Calcium on top, and swatch on the Moisturize function (if you are using Hitachi) of your beauty machine and start running it on your face.  I highly suggest you to do half of your face first, because otherwise if you apply everything on your whole face, by the time you finish half of your face, the stuff on the other half of your face would be absorbed already.)

效果:如果你碌完覺得少少笠既話,我建議用紙巾印一印多餘既。  如果吸哂就唔需要印啦。  做完之後我覺得皮膚好柔軟,好明亮,保濕得黎好有彈性。 做咗兩三次之後我覺得皮膚唔再好乾,同埋膚色明亮左,無咁暗。  正,所以拿拿聲同大家分享。

(English:  Results:  If you feel that it’s a bit sticky after you finish, I suggest to use tissue to press the excess.  If your skin is fine afterwards, then you don’t need to tissue press.  After use, I feel my skin is very soft, brightened up, hydrated and with improved elasticity.  After doing it 2-3 times, I feel my skin is way more hydrated than before, and my skin is more brightened (less dull).  Brilliant, so that’s why this blog post is released rather quickly!!)

Previous Links/ 之前文章:

[保養] 黑咪最愛既導出導入產品
[保養] 唔係肌底液今次係肌底Gel 

[保養] 強效保濕BB精華
Hitachi Related Posts

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電話 (Tel): 2877 4700
營業時間 (Open Hours): 星期一至日中午12點到晚上8點 (Mon – Sun 12noon – 8pm)
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(Or by post, face trade at Taikoo MTR/ Shatin Cityone Stop.  Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com)

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