濕疹適用: Vaseline Clinical Care™ Eczema Calming Therapy Cream
It's affordable and if you are bothered by eczema, have a read
健康胭脂顏色: theBalm Hot Mama Blush
It's like that healthy glow after doing exercise
暗瘡必備: Aquafolia Anti-Imperfection Gel
This is a great product to have no matter if your skin is prone to acne or you are occasionally attacked by them
眼部比較敏感之選: Evolcare Vibe Soothing Chamomile Eye Gel
我係因為一次staycation而接觸Evolcare呢個品牌,其中某啲產品我都覺得唔錯,就好似今日想同大家分享呢一隻洋甘菊眼部緊緻凝膠咁,如果你眼部位置比較敏感嘅話,咁你就要睇落去。 I got to know Evolcare because of a staycation, I find some of their products quite nice and affordable. Today let me share my thoughts on their Vibe Soothing Chamomile Eye Gel with you,…
View Post日本品牌Albion Infinesse Eliminate Cleansing Milk 好唔好用
It's been a long time since I last tried Albion's products, let's see if this Infinesse Eliminate Cleansing Milk is a good buy or not
Have been trying this on and off for a few month, is it good or not
黑咪店開業8年第一枝眼部精華: Aquafolia Eye Serum
It took us 8 years to launch our first eye serum, what's so special about this one
What makes me not recommending fresh Milk Body Cleanser
尋找替代顏色: MAC Eyeshadow in Amber Lights
I think I found my true love regarding the base colour for my eye makeup