Swatch: 瑞典香水品牌Byredo Eyeshadow Dysco

Byredo Eyeshadow Dysco

瑞典品牌Byredo嘅香水氣味特別,我諗好多你哋都試過。 但係佢嘅化妝品你又有冇試過呢? 我啱啱入手左佢哋一盒眼影叫Dysco,今日同大家玩咗試色先。

I think many of you might have tried Byredo perfume, but have you tried their makeup?  I just got my hands on their Eyeshadow & Colours called Dysco, let me swatch the shades for you today.

Byredo Eyeshadow & Colours in Dysco HK$620 LINK

之前見佢出化妝品,都已經好想入手,趁而家唔使帶口罩要化返個靚妝,即刻嗱嗱聲入手同大家分享吓。 一盒五個顏色,我睇返網站,佢有八個唔同顏色組合可以選擇,應該總有一盒啱你心水。 下面試色圖係畫咗一至兩下嘅顏色。 我暫時覺得粉質好幼細,非常上色,唔會一達達。

When I saw that they released makeup, I was so tempted to try.  Now with the excuse of not wearing face mask, I immediately got my hands on their eyeshadow palette, which comes with 5 shades.  This palette comes in 8 different colour combination, so there is something for everyone.  The swatches below are the result from one to two strokes.  For now, I think the powder is finely milled and super pigmented without being patchy.  


我覺得佢價錢高檔,HK$620一盒。 以唔係做開化妝品嘅一個牌子嚟講,我覺得偏貴。 如果冇聽過呢個牌子,都未必會俾呢個價錢去買佢嘅眼影。 但係試過之後,我都幾驚喜佢質感咁好。 我會喺唔同場合玩下呢盒野睇吓佢係咪真係會值回票價! 我會再報告。

The price is on the high side – HK$620 for a palette.   The brand history is not built on makeup, with that in mind, I think it’s quite pricey.  If I am not familiar with the brand, I wouldn’t pay this price for its makeup products.  However, after trying the texture, I am pleasantly surprised by how good the quality is.  I am going to play with this palette for awhile and see if it’s worth my dollar.  I will report back for sure.  

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